Location 1/19 - The View at Fountains

Do you feel like no one sees you?

You’re not alone. We all have times where we feel unseen and lost in the crowd.

Do you wonder if there is more to life?

You can live day to day and be unsatisfied knowing that nothing eases the ache for purpose and meaning.

There is Hope!

Jesus is Hope!

Jesus provides a different way (John 14:6), which begins with knowing Him and being a part of a community that is focused on Following Only Jesus, Loving Like Jesus, and Sharing Jesus because…

Hope begins with Jesus!

Does life feel hurried?

Jesus way of living was different from ours. We are always in a hurry moving from one thing to another. Jesus lived an unhurried life, slowing down, stopping to see people and showing them love. We have built a schedule to model Jesus way.

Pursue Relationships

With Jesus

A personal relationship with Jesus grows as you spend time reading the Bible. Use  the Daily Devotional  to grow and build your Bible habit

With Others

Relationships are the key to how Jesus lived.  We are not meant to live alone and small groups are a place for us to share life together.

Latest Sermon

The latest message from the Book of Acts as Jesus leads the new church Off the Map. They are experiencing new things and learning new ways that Jesus is leading this new community.

Worship Gathering

Sundays at 10am